Thursday, April 7, 2011

Church Sunday Program

Carnival Percussion Concert

I leave you a video of a horny in the last carnival in Huesca. To me da yuyu every time I see it, the truth is that the guys are a bit "dangerous" when they go on holiday ... ;-)

Without further I present The Charlie Witch Project

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Is A Good Lubricant

Sex education Lavin: strategies for chastity to respect for the gift of life

After making education compulsory sexuality and emotional about school, the Ministry of Education made available to the establishments seven initiatives. Of these, only 2 refer explicitly to sexual diversity, while one says "reject wrong views around the difference between the sexes that deny paternity and maternity." "They will be a complete failure, "said Eduardo Catalán, president of the Metropolitan Association of Parents and guardians (AMDEPANDO), when asked about sexual education programs offered by the Ministry of Education. "The question is what are the 7 options because of these, at least 4 are of a profile where they do not touch taboo subjects of sex education," he says. Catalan
question refers to the default in most programs on topics such as sexual diversity, a consistent defense of withdrawal, the exaltation of virginity as a gift and almost no consideration of sex as a pleasurable experience independent of love .
Alternatives selected by the National Women's Service and the Ministry of Education, whose teaching will be compulsory from 2012 for the first course of Basic Education, said that proposals meet the working committees of various universities, doctors and groups specializing in the treatment of sex education. However, most offer a perspective that still leaves much to be desired regarding expectations of sexual orientation to date and unbiased.

Chastity, Abstinence and other herbs
One of the initiatives approved by the Ministry of Education is entitled "Learning to love" and is led by the Catholic University of the Holy Conception. His topics offered, which can be reviewed in detail in this website - consider the assessment and strategies of chastity, the importance of sexual abstinence, the gift of virginity, marriage and the relentless defense of essential roles differing behavior men and women.
Part of the text states: "From the moment of our conception we have an identity: are men or women (...) What is missing in the woman is in the man's masculinity and what he needs to man is femininity of women. " Later
the text says "reject wrong views around the difference between the sexes that deny paternity and maternity (machismo and radical feminism). "
"Teen Star" is another of the programs offered by the Ministry of Education. Guided by Dr. Pilar Vigil, is an international initiative on sex education, applied in over 40 countries. In Chile, has been adopted by the Divine Word College, Champagnat and Sacred Heart of Jesus, among others.
"We show the value of life starting from the biological standpoint. Educational way will show the biological reality of living organisms, it is very beautiful. Shows the beauty that occurs, for example, at conception, "says Dr. Vigil. Teen
The draft says Star uphold respect by "the gift of life", or refuses abortion; addresses issues such as homosexuality and education of the will. "We are for life, we want to show the beautiful and real," he explains. "The idea is that the person to decide, but decide based on a reality that we have been able to show. The reality is what it is "- the text sentence. Genetic predisposition

While most respondents involved in the programs were opposed to the possibility of abortion and reluctant to take a position on the Morning After Pill, the proposal of the Faculty of Social Sciences University Chile maintains a more broader than the alternatives that have been revised.
Among the topics considered, there is the review of novel issues in the supply, such as gender violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation. In addition, it is expected that the participants of the program to develop their skills "to make informed choices, reflective, autonomous and accountable in controversial situations related to sexuality and affection."
Meanwhile, Ricardo Capponi, a psychoanalyst and psychiatrist at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, creator of the "comprehensive sex education," says that "we give the information about using the Morning After Pill, as well as about contraception and prevention methods and let free to schools and caregivers so that they can decide about their use. "
regard to sexual practices between same sex, although the psychiatrist says it is treated as a normal condition, however, involves "a disturbance in development as many disturbances that we all human beings." It also notes that "there is a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality biological and after that takes place depending on the environment and the interaction with the father and mother."

AMDEPANDO For the leader, the alternatives are only part of" the conservative policy being implemented by the government. " Catalan said that "these programs no opinion or the family or youth."
"Instead, a single program, like its predecessor, though it was bad, it could make the concept of believing that there is a difference and sexuality other than what we have. This must be integrated and that programs do not go that way "- says. Capponi
states that "it is inevitable that an approach to the issue of sexuality implying any value" to what answers Catalan emphatically that "we are not in the time of holy war, when he was being considered it bad witch and could burn. We are at other times we are living completely different realities, and we believe we have to give way to life as it is, with all its weaknesses and all their strengths. "
The programs may be financed through equity of private establishments and in the case of municipal or private schools, subsidized by resources of the School Grant (SEP) or participating in a competition fueled by the Ministry of Education.

By Vanessa Vargas Rojas
The Citizen

Hanging Curtain Holdbacks

The disaster in Japan and a visit from a friend

Today I had the pleasure of welcoming to Jimmy Carter, who was U.S. president between 1977 and 1981 and the only one, in my view, serenity and courage enough to address the issue of U.S. relations with Cuba. The circumstances were certainly not conducive to our complex world. The existence of a truly free and sovereign country in our hemisphere will not be reconciled with the ideas of the fascist extreme right of the United States, he managed to defeat the purposes of President Carter, which earned him the Nobel Peace Prize . Nobody gave him free.
Revolution always appreciated his brave gesture. In 2002 he received warmly. Now he reiterated his respect and appreciation. Can really
ruling oligarchy that superpower resign his insatiable desire to impose its will on the rest of the world? Can he do justice to this end a system that generates increasingly the presidents like Nixon, Reagan and W. Bush, increasingly destructive and less respect for the sovereignty of nations?
The complexity of today's world, does not leave much room for memories that are relatively recent. Carter's farewell, on Wednesday, agreed with disturbing news of the nuclear accident triggered by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, which continue to arrive and they can not be ignored, no only by its importance but also the practical and almost immediate impact that derives from them for the world economy.

Today the Associated Press reports from Japan:
"The crisis in the Japanese nuclear plant damaged by the tsunami worsened on Wednesday after the nearby sea water showed the highest radiation levels so far."

"In Fukushima, the filtered radiation has penetrated the earth and sea and has been introduced in vegetables, unpasteurized milk and even water until Tokyo, 220 miles south."

"Meanwhile, the Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko visited for one hour at a group of evacuees in Tokyo. "
Reuters, meanwhile, reports from Tokyo:

" Japan on Wednesday updated its standards for nuclear power plant, the first official recognition that their rules were insufficient when an earthquake damaged one of its facilities, triggering the worst since Chernobyl nuclear crisis in 1986. "

" The announcement was released after the Government acknowledged that there is no end in sight to the crisis and a jump levels of radioactive iodine in seawater is added to the evidence of leaks at reactors around the resort and beyond. "

"Findings of plutonium in the soil of the plant raised the public alarm about the accident, which has eclipsed the humanitarian disaster caused by the earthquake and tsunami of March 11 that left 27,500 dead or missing."

"Before the disaster , 55 nuclear reactors in Japan They provided about 30 percent of the country's electricity. It was expected that the percentage climbed to 50 percent by 2030, among the largest in the world. "

" New readings showed a jump in the 3355 radioactive iodine times the legal limit, said the state agency for nuclear safety, although The agency played down its impact, saying that people had left the area and had stopped fishing. "

" Hundreds of engineers have struggled for nearly three weeks to cool the reactors at the plant and prevent a catastrophic merger of energy bars, although the situation seems to have left behind the nightmare scenario. "

" Jesper Koll, director of equity research at JPMorgan Securities in Tokyo, said a long battle to control the plant and stop leaks of radioactivity perpetuate the uncertainty and act as a drag on the economy .

"'The worst case scenario is that this not be extended by one, two or six months but for two years or indefinitely 'he said. "

" A byproduct of nuclear reactions that can be used in nuclear bombs, plutonium is highly carcinogenic and one of the most dangerous substances on the planet, experts say. "
A third agency, DPA, from Tokyo states:

" The Japanese engineers are still unable to stop the nuclear crisis nearly three weeks after the accident in the Fukushima nuclear plant. The Tokyo government begins to study this extraordinary measures to stop the release of radioactivity from the facility. "

" The idea is to cover the reactor with a kind of tissue. Recent high iodine-131 measurements at sea are an indication of increased radiation. Greenpeace also warned of serious health hazards to residents after own measurements. "

" Experts believe that the process to definitively rule out a possible merger kernel can take months. TEPCO has promised to improve working conditions for technicians, more and more nervous and exhausted. "
While these events take place in Japan, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela visited Argentina, Uruguay and Bolivia targets, promoting economic agreements and closer ties with countries in our hemisphere determined to be independent.
At the University of La Plata, where the tyranny promoted by U.S. wiped out, many thousands of Argentines, more than 700 students ─ of which 40 of the School of Journalism ─ Chavez Rodolfo Walsh received the award in honor one of the heroic revolutionary journalists killed.
I not only Cuba and there are many people willing to fight to the death for their homeland. Fidel Castro Ruz

March 30, 2011

6 and 51 pm

Snapper Bagger Manual

Vicente Durán, first name of the rapper known as subversive, is going to Chile.
who grew up in Detroit, Michigan, United States, take your partner and your children to know the land, the neighborhood, which took its first steps. The return date is indefinite.
For at least a couple of years, the subversive message was gradually crowded at the point of an audiovisual work posted on YouTube, which, based on contingency, constructed music with a neat installation, the pair spontaneous and effective, despite the self-taught in the management of that language.
Topics verses were the last presidential election, a jug of water thrown into the former Minister of Education for the Student Music Sepúlveda, the Bicentennial, the Mapuche people's struggle and its repression by the Chilean state, the Telethon and Don Francisco, Bachelet, a much-needed demystification of the late General Bernales and, in general, the disclosure of the entire network linking business, political, and economic and political ideology in search from within than without disturbing the order of the estate they manage.
But before appearing as subversive, in 2004/2005 brought to life with CoN $ PiRaZioN Skape, duo with the album "Pull the Plug", shook their combative lucidly load the hip hop scene national recognized radio and major labels for non-existent or ambiguous attempts to politicize.
Last Monday we met in Screening Library, where today has enabled a small studio where he is recording songs before leaving. We walked to a soda fountain and maintained a rapid and intense conversation.

"Today, only days to go, How do you remember the hip hop scene for some years in Chile?

"I came from America with the idea of \u200b\u200blearning more of hip hop here. When I arrived in the mid-'90s there was a whole world was exploding in all populations had a rap group, then I started to meet people and began to put music to the poems he wrote. It was just boom Tiro de Gracia, Makiza, that were at the level of the major labels, but was slow down. The places where he played in the beginning, are activities of social organizations, then the mobilization of the secondary, university students, workers.
In this world I was moving, making a bridge between hip hop, rap and social organizations.

- How would you describe the development of the hip hop scene that has participated over the years?

"I look on the one hand, it's been a long road with a few groups, pines, singing, dancing, doing graffiti, from the beginning with post rebellious, critical, acid, about reality slum. Then he branched out, looked different streams .... As elsewhere in the world, but the origin linked to the social reality is that some follow. Reality is full of social injustice, and deal with that, we give an answer and a proposal.
First rap lyrics, the content community, generous and supportive in a world that offers the individualism, selfishness, such values \u200b\u200band then, a proposed organization to be developed over time, with Hiphología experiences (of which I participated) in the early afternoon, where the workshops were used hip hop as a meeting place, identity and self-education, which spoke of music, while our realities and dreams. These workshops were giving birth to new organizations, groups, territorial activities of hip hop, becoming a social and political proposal. This current through the years has continued to strengthen, as well as the artistic development of rap groups.

"It's interesting how these spaces for self-education and reflection to achieve return of little hip hop its original meaning (social, critical), considering the recovery than rap suffers at the hands of the Cultural Industry: Gangster, jewelry, women , drugs, weapons, imposing and functional values \u200b\u200bassociated with the dominant culture ...
worldwide hip-hop is alive as it relates from underneath, keeping roots alive with marginal urban communities, whether in towns, ghettos, favelas ... The thing is, as you point out, there is a music that crossed borders and was taken by the global industry as a way to make money, and not only that, but as a way to alienate, to impose certain cultural patterns and deny others, promote sexism, consumerism, individualism , competition, creating the feeling that these were the values \u200b\u200bof hip hop ... that originally are the opposite.
But beyond what happens in the U.S. and some European countries (where there are fewer immigrants), Africa, Asia, Latin America, hip hop is a powerful tool that enables young people, especially, to express and show their reality.
In Chile there are different kinds, hip hop that talks about different things and from different realities as well, but we believe that hip hop is a tool that supports the goal of social transformation, the claim of reality and the proposed change , so within that we are much closer to someone who is organizing from the population activity for the right to housing, education, health, that of a rapper who talks about other things or their Letters do not reflect these realities.
The hip hop goes hand in hand with social movement with the struggles of peoples, that is the hip hop that I follow and I think it's a contribution. This hip hop is a long tradition in Chile, as art is bound and committed to social struggles, which occurred in all periods before and after the dictatorship.

"As for the art work you have done, how and why you step from pure sound to visual, with that kind of" raperiodismo "contingency, facts and figures?

"There are many rappers in the world that put the amount of realism, data collection and interpretation of what is going, I like that kind of rap that talks about very concrete things. As for the audiovisual
are two things. One, as you note, the audiovisual is a tool hits, which is much more effective and complete a song, poem, etc.. But on the other hand, has to do with my desire to know and learn self-taught what was the videotape, to take the tools and making them available to social organizations. I did 10 or 15 videos with residents, students, before making a clip with my songs, so they could display in their environment in their areas what they were doing, it served them very powerful tool ....

"It is surprising dialectical while Con $ PiRaZioN said "Turn off the TV!", denying the other hand, were making inroads and developing audiovisual material, overcoming the rejection ...

- Sure! (Laughs). It was a confrontation, to develop what some call a counter-information, popular communication, alternative communication or criticism, which are ways to counteract the duopoly / oligopoly in the media "news" (which for me has been a constant theme) where the same business are purchased from them. Today we have Luksic on Channel 13, Piñera had Chilevisión (now a crime) ... The information in Chile is well managed, there is a large consensus that is generated from the most common news to the senses, tastes, there are plenty of things homogeneous pattern imposed from the television and newspapers because there is no alternatives.
Spaces like the Citizen are among the few alternatives that are growing today. We hope to continue to grow and grow many more, but challenging what exists is difficult from the precariousness or, rather, from the vastness of resources with which they have.
So, yes, was to use the visual to counteract the effect of television and radio, in the sense of what is required as musical taste. Also disseminate more massively the message, because I do not believe in the message marginalized, only to believe: If we change things, we must add, the widespread dissemination and install it in the debate. Must be discussed with the mass media, politicians, the elite, with the school and its rigidity and structure, with everything that keeps us oppressed. You have to enter that debate, standing firm, with clear arguments, with a capacity of coherence and organization.
I think most people know how exploited lives, how precarious their situation, their very lives, but the issue is how to solve that, if decisions are always in the hands of others ... With unity, organization , and with the clarity to see what issues are important.

- How do you explain the current stagnation of Chilean society in general, against the many injustices and attacks it receives from the ruling class? Fear, indifference, apathy?

-Although there expressions of rejection, 40 years after the coup and dictatorship, and the years of the Coalition (which very effectively paralyzed the social movement) the effect is still strong. There are various elements that keep us liabilities to gross injustices: One is fear, and not just the physical thing, but the daily fear, fear of the boss, the fear of ridicule, fear to be different ...
And, of course, what else are distractions and diversions, the time when the delivery system to avoid problems, because they are facing, but also cope with problems, avoid them.
On the other hand, the super-deep conviction that we can not transform things, that this is almost natural, and we do not have the strength to change things. There is an issue that has to do with history, with a big break with our memory, because in this land have always been able to carry great potential for transformation, generating organizations function and to be combative, but that history is erased, asleep, and that is the story we have to recover all the experiences of a people organized and rising. So remember this and also analyze the reasons for our failures, because there were moments in situations where trust should not have to trust who ever: The political class, the military ... We need to believe in ourselves, when we unite, and that's what happened in the '80s and ended throwing the dictatorship. Sure, it fell, but then came the problem: We trust and we stayed in the cottage, once again we hope, always trusting in the leader, the party .... and end demobilized. We no longer believe in them, but I do not believe in anyone, in or us. We have to believe in us, I think.

- And how are your expectations for the current scene?

-is difficult, there are a lot of work to do, plenty to sow join. One of the great weaknesses of those that question and are able to see reality as it is, we know that to change things we must fight, is that we are divided. We have both small group who think the group over there is the problem, when in fact we are all parts of the same front that seeks transformation. There is a great task of building the will, which today is very difficult because we have stuck distrust, arrogance, narrow ideological .... Because I have my position, many do, but must be able to look beyond and know that if we do not build the unit can not move forward. Sometimes, working together is not easy, but the will is essential.
We must remember the Blest Clotaire labor movement, which made the secondary a few years ago, what happened recently in Magellan, you can not pass if you bring together ... What is happening in the Middle East, independent of output you have, is an example that if you you stand on the square 30 days, the government falls, because governments are that fragile. People have this power, forget it, but at times you remember, when the cup overflows and say no more! By Christopher Cornejo

The Citizen.

Palmar Erythema Images

THE YOUNG ECONOMIST Scripting PREFACE of Capital "The equal partnership

Cad to turn the tables creaking floor are on the second floor of the premises, two of the young participants of the workshop will fit uneasily in their chairs and look up. Seconds later, his chin down in a hurry to re-focus on the presentation of one who makes a speaker at this meeting. The other fifteen workers underground, five wooden tables arranged in a circle and a desk to who runs the class, complete the scene. It is one more session of the Workshop Reading of Capital, Karl Marx's work, which is held every Monday afternoon in the basement of the Cultural and Social Center The Union. Despite the dim light of the basement of the old house of Maipú 424, passionate young people involved considerations about the need to clarify the differences between use value and exchange. Hot mate goes hand in hand, follows the discussion of the theory of surplus value and liven up the evening begins with dark tinted when approaching nine.

The workshop, aimed at bringing the study of the seminal work of Karl Marx, is headed by Sebastian Zarricueta Cabieses, a young economist 26 years. He and Manuel Hidalgo, and Rafael Agacino, wrote the preface to the recent publication of LOM Ediciones the first volume of Capital in Chile, in September 2010.

This publication, rescues an old translation of the first volume of Marx's work: "Production Process of Capital", published by Progress Publishers in Moscow and performed in the mid-eighties. The translator was the then young Chilean, Christian Fazio, the son of economist and former vice president of the Central Bank during the Popular Unity government, Hugo Fazio.

Although the commission provided for the translation progress of the three volumes of Capital, only the first reached print. While the second volume was delivered by Christian in 1990, with the fall of the Union Soviet Union, the publisher also ceased to exist. The manuscript remained lost in the translation and publication of volume two never materialized.

translation is precisely that reviewed Hidalgo Fazio, Zarricueta Agacino and comparing it with other two-the most prestigious in English-the Wenceslao Roces, the Editorial Fondo de Cultura Economica (FCE), and Peter Scaron, Siglo XXI, Mexico and Argentina, respectively.

Of the three economists researchers Corporation Nexus Platform-organization which describes itself as an "area of \u200b\u200bproduction and dissemination of critical thinking" - Zarricueta is the youngest. Why a 26-year career today is interested in collaborating with a new publication of Capital? Here, judgments and views of those who prefaced the book by Marx in Chile.

What is special about the publication of the first volume of Capital?

work requested by the people of LOM Manuel Hidalgo was reviewing a translation of the ancient capital. At first was to detect and correct the errors in the publication by the Soviets. However, it was a contribution to the Chilean publication, not a mere repetition of the above, we proposed to compare the text with other issues that were on the market, such as editorial XXI century and the Economic Culture Fund. LOM accepted the proposal and extended the work.

What were the contributions to the publication that threw this work?

Throughout the whole book, and especially in the early chapters of Capital in which Marx developed his theory of the value of the goods, introduces many new concepts and is stringing to each other. Given the density and the subtleties of these arguments, he points out some ideas and use italics for incorporating certain concepts. When one faces the reading of these chapters, the emphasis are helpful. In the Soviet edition those italics were omitted by a problem in original editions German, who were basically printing. In fact, some German editions published by Frederick Engels omitted that part, but we thought it was important to follow the reasoning of Marx, so we decided to incorporate. It took us six months to do all this. We did two readings of Capital, one to correct typos and other to make a more detailed document contrasted sentence by sentence with other issues.

Capital is an important book in the sociopolitical history of the world How important is responsible for making their preface?

responsibility is not less because it is a fundamental text for the construction of alternative policy and revolutionary theory. At first I thought I had so much experience and was much work lay on my shoulders, but I realized it was a challenge and learn more. We got into the genesis of the text, and investigate why certain changes occur that include Marx and Engels between an issue and another. Then we had to keep in mind the story behind the book.

is difficult to understand that a young professional interested in studying Marx without having a high political concern, "ascribe to any militancy?

Si. However, not only understand the political and social activism from membership or not a structure established political parties or unions, but on the same realities in which the structure of capitalism, which today are much more flexible. From this point of view, I consider myself a leftist militant, and I think if you talk to Manuel and Rafael, also will consider leftists, the popular movement for workers.

Then this is your place.

Yes, that's my place. From there we face this publication was not just an academic. We do obviously with all the rigor that requires the study of Marx, but in reality there is more. We saw in this publication of the book, and I propose to LOM, a contribution to building sociopolitical in Chile.

But knowing the characteristics of our country, what contributes to the construction of an alternative publication of the capital today?

Good question. It is, however, difficult to answer individually and in a single answer, because I think that is a response rather collective in nature, that has to do with the significance of social movements themselves, residents, Mapuche, etc. give a reading of Capital. This is because the book addresses an infinity of aspects of capitalist society, not only in the economic field. In summary, I believe that the power of Marx's work is that it shows the essence of workings of capitalism, independent of the concrete historical way that capitalist production is articulated. That far surpasses the official economy, academic, and enacting public policy makers, as they like to call today. The capital is a hundred light years of them all so much for the clear exposition of the text as it was visionary when analyzing Marx capitalism 150 or 200 years ago. Econometric models that are managed in today's economy is taught in universities, they pale beside the historical overview and the development that Marx wrote in Capital. From that perspective, is a tool fundamental to social movement to appropriate the conceptual matrix that gives us Marx and so understand what limits are actually reforms within the capitalist state and what can we expect in the future of capitalism. Unfortunately

was implanted in the collective unconscious that any work of Marx is stale ...

There is a catch there because in fact what makes the capital is to analyze the capitalist mode of production, rather than formulating a recipe for building socialism. Marx argues that rather than be a task that will specifically address the workers, the people and that his main task in the capital is to discover the essence of the operation of capitalism. It is in this sense that surpasses any current official economy and is therefore central to the popular movement to appropriate conclusions. The other catch is that the project based on this book failed and therefore what is there is wrong. The same media and common sense to try to impose the ruling classes, and make us believe that we ignore the rigors of revolutionary thought, instead of appropriating it to proceed with the task of political construction.

How would you describe the rigor?

This rigor involves a whole way of looking at history, look at how they operate modern societies, the analysis of trends and developments, and questions about why certain phenomena occur, such as wars, massive social inequality, environmental degradation, exploitation, etc. Marx's theoretical matrix is \u200b\u200bvery rigorous and suggests that this is not attackable partly because it forms part of an overall vision that makes sense in so far as it is interrelated.

is rigorous, but it is the science of construction ...

Yes, I am an enemy of those little things. The technicality and the scientistic vision of politics we have to leave. To the extent that social subjects are constituted as leading actors will be reading The capital in a certain way. Also will be a dialogue between two subjects - 'Hey here are useful elements and they can help us construcción'-political construction and it's going to reinterpret what is there. Rather than saying that if one reads The capital will be clear to policy, it is necessary to understand the relationship between theory and practice that can establish the social subjects in the future will be more complex. Anyway, the rigor has to be in our policy analysis to influence reality.

tend to collectivize enough, what is the collective political work develop? Currently

from the Collective Scaffolding we are promoting with comrades from different areas a collective reading of Capital, but not from the academy. We have a reading workshop focused on people working in the university reality, population or popular media, to contribute to theoretical and policy. It is a training mode that aims to take what is in the capital and its array of thought, the idea is to share the political rigor, analytical.

When did this initiative?

The workshops began last year. In recent times there has been an interest in knowing the work of Marx. Following a recent crisis of capitalism Best selling books in the world was just the capital. In a survey in England asked about the most influential thinkers and Marx was the first in the list. This shows that whenever capitalism goes into crisis systematic, science officer looks at herself and sees that all their predictions fail. The world that science describes, that it is infallible, it is not really well and people tend to look to Marx. Surge power reminiscent of revolutionary thought that capitalism is unstable, which generates crisis and suffering in much of humanity. Something is wrong with the world that Marx is still as valid as current.

is rather impressive how realize the fact that validity ...

certainly striking. In my case, being a person trained in economics, mathematical models of great sophistication, you realize they do not predict anything and models become quite sterile. While studying economics in college, was studying on my own capital and the truth is that the book has a literary beauty that adds value to the route of exposure in itself, it can be found constant references to Goethe, the Bible , Balzac, Homer, etc. Marx moves with great ease between philosophy, history, literature, religion and, of course, political economy. No relation to what they teach in college, where you show a biased economic science which deals with abstract all the elements that are not strictly economic, as defined by them. Finally, it happens that end up being extremely partisan tools to build an explanation of social reality and result in idealization of the capitalist world that we can all be entrepreneurs, capitalists, and in fact is not so.

The last global economic crisis can reveal the evils of capitalism?

building to the left is important not to have illusions about capitalism, often blinded us and we go by easy way. Capitalism in its expansion phase generates some increases in the standard of living of the population, access to higher consumption levels, televisions, phones, etc.. The problem is that when we come out of the blue this crisis, we see that these same increases in living standards also have their inherent limits, limits which are none other than putting the same capital. Surface forms that give meaning to life in capitalism should take into account the left to promote everyday practices and spaces counterhegemony to subvert common sense set by capitalism. How do you look

alternative experience of Latin America?

Look, I think from the late 90 initiates a reset of the popular movement throughout Latin America after all the neoliberal offensive. He settled the issue of the XXI century socialism from Venezuela, which is actually a reflection of ideological thrust. There is an ideological thrust is now experiencing Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, these countries independent of whether or not beyond capitalism.

Cuba is in a very particular process.

Cuba is undergoing a process of internal discussion about certain shortcomings that may have Cuban socialism itself, which is good to look through the lens of Marx's work. For example, we started this workshop reading of Capital with an interview of Néstor Kohan, Argentine intellectual, Orlando Borrego, who was a collaborator of Che Guevara when he was Minister of Industries in Cuba. There he noted that the Che destined one day a week, even with a teacher brought the USSR to study Capital. He met with colleagues from the ministry to understand in what state was Cuba and what the prospects were for the construction of socialism. This shows that something as mundane, day to day, as work in a ministry that requires analysis and capital necessary for reading of contemporary reality. How

view the fall of socialism en el mundo?

Tenemos que preguntarnos qué se entendió por socialismo y cuáles fueron las razones de su fracaso. Se entendió socialismo como sinónimo de estatismo. De hecho, hoy una parte no menor de la izquierda chilena mira como algo importante de su construcción política la ampliación del Estado. No se cuestiona la naturaleza de ese Estado y si en realidad el socialismo es sólo estatismo y ampliación del Estado hasta la cooptación de toda la vida económica o si éste puede convivir con otras relaciones sociales en su seno y alentarlas. ¿Puede el socialismo tolerar ciertas esferas que el mercado rija sin atentar contra sus principios básicos? Desde ahí que leer El capital es fundamental, explains the nature of the market, its limits and contradictions. The discussion you're giving the Cubans is in that line. Regardless of how the Cuban people resolved this debate through their structures of popular representation, it is interesting how they are giving.

And in Chile, how you see the profound socio-political change that experience?

Chilean capitalism radically changed the way it works. Since the early twentieth century until 1973, was a much more inward capitalism, the state had a much larger role to play and it was built based on an idea more state socialism, which also tragically showed its limits. The latter option of Salvador Allende's hide in the institutions, in this supposed neutrality were to have the military, is susceptible to paraphrase Marx, the fetishism of the state of the traditional left. On that basis, it is necessary to discern how the dictatorship was able to successfully relaunch for the ruling classes obviously capitalism in Chile.

Will the Chilean left to assume that change?

The left looks much the traditional labor movement as the bearer of alternative social project, being that today the work is more precarious, flexible and may be that those historic structures that occurred in the time the working class, are not wide enough to give a different political structure, radical. Even the parties themselves, structured on descontituídos socio-political subjects, or changes in the bourgeoisie itself, a more cross-class, which looks more to the future, or the reality of a landowning class that actually disappeared and was converted into a capitalist of agriculture, which are competitive abroad or a large estate reality that no longer exists in the way that we knew at the time of land reform. So the first thing is that the left should be responsible for the changes that have taken capitalism.

Has the Chilean left delayed assume that it must stop somewhere else?

anyway. For example, the desire to reconstitute the three thirds of Chile's political map is to look back, meaning that everything that happened between 1973 and 2010 is only a lull in political history. Is it viable reconstruction of the three thirds on classes that now operate entirely differently? For example: the middle class who no longer lives in state money, is made up of young professionals with ambition, to become part of the political and ideological baggage of neoliberalism, which has aspirations to emerge and become rich on their own. And the state functions based management mechanisms in profitability and market logic, that makes the emergence of a class guided by the social project that seeks only the efficiency and competitiveness.

Do you need more courage?

require to be bolder on the left and to recognize this reality. It has become much idealization of past history, and if it is necessary to dialogue with the past and memory take their heroes, we must also recognize its limits and errors. Javiera Olivares

Lump By Incision Area After Heart Catheter

the evening of Saturday 19, after a sumptuous banquet, the NATO leaders ordered the attack Libya.
course, nothing could happen without the United States reclaimed its undeniable role of top leader. From the helm of this institution in Europe, a senior officer claimed that began the odyssey of Dawn. "
World public opinion was shocked by the tragedy of Japan. The number of victims of the earthquake, tsunami, and the nuclear accident has not stopped growing. There are already tens of thousands of people dead, missing and irradiated. The resistance will be considerably expanded use of nuclear energy.
The world is suffering at the time the consequences of climate change, the scarcity and price of food military expenditure and waste of natural and human resources, grow up. A war was most unfortunate that could happen now. Obama
The tour through Latin America has passed into the background, no one just deals with the subject. In Brazil, have become apparent contradictions of interests between the U.S. and that sister country.
not forget that Rio de Janeiro competed with Chicago hosting the 2016 Olympics.
Obama wanted to curry favor with the South American giant. He spoke of the "extraordinary rise of Brazil," which has drawn international attention and praised its economy as one of the fastest growing in the world, but not the least committed to support Brazil as a permanent member of the privileged Security Council.
Brazilian President did not hesitate to express their disagreement with the U.S. protectionist measures applied to Brazil, through tariffs and subsidies that have become a major obstacle to the U.S. economy.
Argentine writer Atilio Boron Obama says:
"... what [...] most interested in its capacity as administrator of the rule is to advance the control of the Amazon. Requirement of this project is to interfere, because it can not stop, the increasing coordination and integration and ongoing economic policy in the region and how important has been to wreck the FTAA in 2005 to thwart secessionist conspiracy and coup in Bolivia (2008) and Ecuador (2010). You should also try to sow discord among the most radical governments in the region (Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador) and the governments 'progressive', mainly Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay ... "
" For the most daring American strategists in the Amazon basin , like Antarctica, is a free access area where national sovereignty is not recognized ... "Tomorrow
Obama moved to Chile. Arrive preceded by an interview with the newspaper El Mercurio published Sunday, in which he confesses that the "Speech for the Americas," it qualifies, is based on an "equal partnership" with Latin America, we almost breathtaking to remember "The Alliance for Progress" that preceded the issuance Bay of Pigs mercenary. Confess
"Our vision for the hemisphere [...] is based on the concept of equal partnership that I have pursued since assuming the presidency of the United States.
"" Also I will focus on specific areas where we can work together, as economic growth, energy, public safety and human rights' ...
"That vision, he said, aims to 'improve the security policy, expand economic opportunity, ensuring a clean energy future and to support shared democratic values."
"... to promote a hemisphere secure, stable and prosperous in the United States and our allies share responsibility for key issues both regionally and globally."
Everything as wonderfully beautiful can be seen, worthy to be buried as the secrets of Reagan, for publish within 200 years. The problem is that as the agency DPA reported, according to survey by the newspaper La Tercera
"... in 2006 43 percent of Chilean population rejected nuclear power plants.
"Two years after rejecting up to 52 percent and in 2010 reached 74 percent." Today, after what happened in Japan reached the "... 86 percent of Chileans ..."
needs only have a question for Obama . Considering that one of its illustrious predecessors, Richard Nixon promoted the coup and the heroic death of Salvador Allende, torture and murder of thousands of people, "asked Mr. Obama apologize to the people of Chile? Fidel Castro Ruz

March 20, 2011 2:00 p.m.