Sunday, May 8, 2011

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"Case Bombs in Chile against fear, solidarity burning

eight months of captivity and nearly two months on hunger strike are young political prisoners charged so ever tested, for a regime that mortified with brutal grudge dissent from the ideas and ways of living than those that reproduce the disciplined consumer and customer tame.
Summarizing the hatred of the minority client that organizes the misery in Chile, the so-called "Case Pumps" is a paradigm, a role model pursued frightening manifestations of social discontent, criminalization of legitimate protest, and to emphasize the conditions of a police state in the country.

On Wednesday 13 April, in the usual peaceful demonstration of solidarity with family, friends and people of deep sensitivity to the plight of political prisoners, the center of Santiago was full of police and Special Forces throughout full blocks and intersections. Any young man who had been there in the peak hours of the Capital was reviewed by the police. And those who managed to sing for freedom of political prisoners were harsh and immediately suppressed with tear gas and water cannons cars. Unknown the number of detainees and wounded.

The previous day there had been a voluntary activity, this time at the Plaza Providencia, and Monday April 11 a group of boys managed to climb to a gateway to several meters high from the Alameda, the Plaza Italia, where deployed a poster for the same reasons. There also was arrested.

sister Alejandra Morales Pablo Morales, contained in Module High Security High Security Prison by the case. Alejandro Peña asked the judge for him simple life imprisonment as an alleged "leader of conspiracy." Alejandra says that because of the hunger strike, young "Are very weak, but strong in spirit. Have dropped from 10 to 12 kilos, "adding that" with the fiscal transfer to the Ministry of Interior Peña confirmed eminently political status of the case. Paul was a political prisoner in the late 90's and is in his hunger strike number 17. Our only hope is the truth and freedom. " Explains that "the evidence is ridiculous" and feels that "we are fighting against Goliath. Today we are coming to us in particular, but the application of the Terrorism Act can be used against anyone. Furthermore, how can you use an anti-terrorism law in Chile if there terrorism, according to those international organizations? "

Garin Veronica Hermosilla Omar's partner, also detained in the High Security Module High Security Prison. Peña asked the prosecutor for 10 years in prison for 'conspiracy' and three years' financier of the association. " Veronica has a son with Omar and his family that "he was detained in the 90's as a member of the Mapu-Lautaro. Then was paroled in late 1999 and never ceased to show solidarity with the comrades still being held at the time. Peña prosecutor accuses him of 'financier' because in September 2009 received an amount of 900 euros ($ 700 thousand pesos, 4 minimum wages) from abroad to help relatives of some political prisoners and for a public library occupies a house. When he was arrested he was working in a company for 10 years, which is connected, and have not fired. Employment colleagues have organized to make collections and bring food to the prison. "

Omar was president of the Administration of Block 72 of the Olympic Village, uninhabitable after an earthquake in February 2010. As a victim, Omar was the leader, earning the enmity of the mayor of Providencia, Pedro Sabat (ex member of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet appointed as mayor in that city in 1987). Veronica

professional journalist, reports that "the prosecutor Peña has presented, among other ridiculous tests, a huge number of books, among which are seized journalistic texts sold in the ditches and bookstores. We are neither anarchists and squatters. Since the government has tried to create fear among people and social organizations that support freedom of the prisoners. "

- How to combat the fear?

"Armored solidarity. People without membership no company has made us beautiful. "
Solidarity has
original relationship with the word 'solid'. Solid love and cooperation among human beings. Relationship where we recognize the need, equality and justice. Summaries of what makes us more human. Solidarity is a weapon that destroys burning selfishness and fear.

The main reasons of defense

Alberto Espinoza is perhaps the most brilliant lawyer, solid and rigorous on Human Rights in Chile. He has accused the defense of the young communicator, Rodolfo Retamales Lewis, for whom the prosecutor has asked Peña simple imprisonment for his alleged leadership role in the equally alleged 'Conspiracy' of which he is charged.

The lawyer Alberto Espinoza said that "in the strictly judicial investigation we find developed under the Terrorism Act, which has no probative material support to enable any court of any conviction forming independent conviction."

- Why?

"The record is very poor, very weak, very repetitive. The accusation made by the fiscal Peña is frankly not very serious even in its formal structure. The prosecutor Peña alludes to more than 7 000 evidence, 800 witnesses, about 300 surveys. However, we find that there are more than 3 000 repeated evidence. "

- How?

"For example, one account of BancoEstado is repeated 4 times within the list. Same university certificate is three fold. Same thing happens with photographs. Used as evidence of cigarette butts without any expertise. There are public transport cards to keys that are used as evidence. There are events in 1992 that not even reason for the investigation, such as buying and selling a car. All this 'proof trash', after being overlooked, can be reduced to some 500 evidence, nor behave evidence to merit a conviction court then convicted. We are confident that a court knows this history will not reach any other result than to the acquittal of the accused. "

One of the most serious charges such as roof falls lead on young men and women involved in the call 'pump mounting case' corresponds to an alleged 'terrorist conspiracy. " But the lawyer Espinoza is vehement in stating that "elements of terrorism are not able to warn in any way. No weapons or explosives seized. Nothing can hold this group of people could be engaged in illegal acts, and less on illicit terrorist nature. "

However, the real issue is political. Alberto Espinoza state in this respect that "here we are facing a political action by the state, where forces have articulated Executive with the Public Ministry forces, more forces, police forces and police investigations," to undertake a process of criminalization of social protest. The boys actually are anti-systemic consciousness, dissatisfied with the neo-forms as administered by the state, repressive policies, social inequalities generated by the economic model. And this is legitimate. But here it seeks to criminalize this different way of thinking about the current state of things. "

- And whence comes the punishment of social discontent, political, economic and cultural?

"Creeps from the governments of the Concertación. And it is a repressive strategy expressed in the persecution of the Mapuche people. Now extended to these people antisystemic. And all under the Terrorism Act. "

" Some people look to the side, thinking that none of your business ...

"This is very worrying from the point of view of civil rights and citizens, because under dynamic current repressive can extend the 'terrorist' actions absolutely irrelevant. If you are using a Bip (payment system Transantiago mass transit) as evidence to prove that a person is part of a terrorist conspiracy, then we are pushing it to extremes unusual, absurd, abusive. Surpass even practices used by the military dictatorship. "

" It was a case, in general, much exploited by the mainstream media ...

"That proves that the cameras, the prosecutor presents talking Peña 7 thousand evidence. That's easy to say, since the defense has no coverage for contravening justified in these claims. Therefore, the public is left with the single version of the prosecutor. But both evidence and witnesses and experts are multirepetidos. "

few days ago, the prosecutor Peña surprised the country, stating that the judiciary was leaving to work at the Ministry of the Interior, with the head of the bank, Rodrigo Hinzpeter. The textbooks explain that democracies are characterized, among other things, the independence of the branches of government. This would be an individual right, which in this case through the courts break the pacemaker of the Currency of the tax still Alejandro Peña, would violate light speed and full color covers.

Thus, Espinoza's attorney describes the incident as "shameful. And clearly reflects the support that has this background investigation. The Public Ministry is an autonomous and independent of the executive branch, but here it has become clear that the prosecutor Peña was acting as a stooge of the Ministry of Interior, which is the complainant in this case. Somehow, you always have to keep some degree of public decency because Alejandro Peña is not an ordinary person who goes looking for work. This is a public official whom society has entrusted the institutional power of prosecute people linked to illegal acts. The event is open to criticism because it must always take precedence to the principle of objectivity of Public Prosecutions, that is, with equal zeal investigate those elements that are incriminating to the defendants, and those elements that exempt, the extinguished or mitigated. But here the prosecutor operated closely with the Ministry of Interior, and the lawyer adds that "this was reflected from the national tax Chahuán Sabas, removed the prosecutor to name the prosecutor Armendáriz Peña in the case. And then there are also responsibilities in the implementation of the Terrorism Act in the national tax Chahuán. The Interior Minister Hinzpeter Chahuán fiscal visited and immediately change Armendariz by Peña. So the prosecutor Sabas Chahuán have questions to answer for. "

April 13, 2011 By Andrés Figueroa Cornejo


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